Downslant arm 10°.
Single hook 150mm long.
Simple hook 400mm long.
downslant arm for fixing to oval. profile of size 15x30mm, 45cm long with 9 pins and downslant angle 10°.
Single hook for hanging to oval's profile 15x30mm. It's 15mm long and Ø6mm.
Single hook for hanging to oval's profile 15x30mm. It's 400mm long and Ø6mm in diameter.
Catalogue id.: R5007d
Catalogue id.: R5009b
Catalogue id.: R5009g
before Tax: 90,00 Kč
before Tax: 11,06 Kč
before Tax: 12,61 Kč
before Tax: 30,00 Kč
before Tax: 7,00 Kč
before Tax: 9,61 Kč
after Tax: 36,30 Kč
after Tax: 8,47 Kč
after Tax: 11,63 Kč
Double hook 20cm long.
Double hook 25cm long.
plated double hook for hanging to oval rod 15x30mm. 20cm long and Ø5mm.
Double hook for hanging to oval rod 15x30mm, 25cm long and Ø5mm, grey coating.
Grey coated double hook for hanging to oval rod 15x30mm. 30cm long and Ø5mm.
Catalogue id.: R5009eub
Catalogue id.: R5009euc
Catalogue id.: R5009eud
before Tax: 11,06 Kč
before Tax: 11,68 Kč
before Tax: 12,30 Kč
before Tax: 5,00 Kč
before Tax: 6,00 Kč
before Tax: 6,50 Kč
after Tax: 6,05 Kč
after Tax: 7,26 Kč
after Tax: 7,87 Kč
Double hook 30cm.
Downslant arm 5o, Ø8.
Grey coated double hook for hanging to oval rod 15x30mm. 30cm long and Ø5mm.
plated downslant arm 10o, wire of Ø8mm, 8 nails, downslant angle 5 deg.
Catalogue id.: R5009eue
Catalogue id.: RS304b
Catalogue id.: R2116v
before Tax: 12,30 Kč
before Tax: 11,06 Kč
before Tax: 47,20 Kč
before Tax: 6,50 Kč
before Tax: 8,06 Kč
before Tax: 37,20 Kč
after Tax: 7,87 Kč
after Tax: 9,75 Kč
after Tax: 45,01 Kč

LAVI CZ s.r.o.
V lužích 735/6, Libuš,
142 00 Praha 4

Main warehouse and showroom

Jesenická 331
(next to Makocar)
252 44 Dolní Jirčany

+420 212 248 299

+420 725 476 202



You'll find us:

2x in Prague: Prague 4 - Prague 10
1x in Brno
1x in Bratislava
2x in Poland
2x in Germany: Berlin - Leipzig