Electronic Security System-Alarms 2
Electronic Security System-Alarms 3
Electronic Security System-Alarms 4
Catalogue id.: AL002
Catalogue id.: AL003
Catalogue id.: AL004
before Tax: 8 679,00 Kč
before Tax: 12 159,00 Kč
before Tax: 14 282,00 Kč
after Tax: 10 501,59 Kč
after Tax: 14 712,39 Kč
after Tax: 17 281,22 Kč
El Sec Syst-magnetec
El Sec Syst-PIR Pro Plus Pet
EL Sec Syst-GlassTrek
Catalogue id.: AL005
Catalogue id.: AL006
Catalogue id.: AL007
before Tax: 129,00 Kč
before Tax: 355,00 Kč
before Tax: 650,00 Kč
after Tax: 156,09 Kč
after Tax: 429,55 Kč
after Tax: 786,50 Kč
El Sec Syst-Key LCD
El Sec Syst-Magnet hard
Elec Sec Syst-sirena indoor SFV
Catalogue id.: AL008
Catalogue id.: AL009
Catalogue id.: AL010
before Tax: 2 399,00 Kč
before Tax: 450,00 Kč
before Tax: 292,00 Kč
after Tax: 2 902,79 Kč
after Tax: 544,50 Kč
after Tax: 353,32 Kč

LAVI CZ s.r.o.
V lužích 735/6, Libuš,
142 00 Praha 4

Main warehouse and showroom

Jesenická 331
(next to Makocar)
252 44 Dolní Jirčany

+420 212 248 299

+420 725 476 202



You'll find us:

2x in Prague: Prague 4 - Prague 10
1x in Brno
1x in Bratislava
2x in Poland
2x in Germany: Berlin - Leipzig